The Students of Resonance Commerce and Law Program at Kota, Indore and Jaipur have performed remarkable in CS-Professional &
CS Executive (June-2016) examinations, the result declared by the Institute Of Company Secretary of India on 25th August 2016.
Rishi Maheshwari Resonance student secured AIR-8 in CS-Executive and AIR-23 is secured by Arpita
Maheshwari, AIR-25 is secured by Atisha Jain In CS-Professional June 2016 Examinations.
SHIVANGI SHARMA & HARSHITA GUPTA Became District Topper in CS-Executive & CS-Professional (June-2016) Exams.
In CS-Executive June 2016, 50 student got success from which Indore contributes 35, Kota Contributes 10 and Jaipur
Contribution is 5.
CS-Professional June 2016, 42 student got success from which Indore contributes 30, Kota Contributes 9 and Jaipur
Contribution is 3.
Heartiest Congratulations and Best Wishes to all the successful students!!!